divendres, d’abril 11, 2008

Kamikaze !!! Retorn d'Amaral

Han tornat!! El tan esperat retorn d'Amaral ja està aquí, el primer single del nou àlbum "Gato Negro-Dragón Rojo" (nom força suggeridor i que es posarà a la venda el 27 de Maig) es diu Kamikaze i està presidit per la característica veu de l'Eva Amaral, que omple l'ambient amb una atmosfera d'esperança i de ganes de viure...

El podeu sentir aquí

L'estètica de la nova plana web d'Amaral contrasta totalment amb la que es va adoptar pel disc anterior, més alegre i primaveral, mentre que ara dominen el negre i el vermell que donen un aire més transgressor i sexi

dimecres, d’abril 09, 2008

Path to the door

Path to the door, originally uploaded by educan.

Still uploading photos from the second to last weekend.

I'm specially satisfied with this one.

Any comments? ;)

dimarts, d’abril 08, 2008

Au revoir Simone

Au revoir Simone, originally uploaded by djenvert.

I've recently discovered this music group.

I'm very bad at describing music so you better check their myspace for some samples.

More info in wikipedia

PD: The photo is not mine, courtesy of djenvert (CC)

divendres, d’abril 04, 2008


Portalada, originally uploaded by educan.

Another taken in LLadó, a very little village in north east Catalunya. It's worth a visit.

dijous, d’abril 03, 2008

Spring's colours

IMG_1484, originally uploaded by educan.

After a marvelous weekend with my wife I came out with some photos I'm quite proud of.

This is one of them. I played quite a while with the colours in lightroom and in the end I managed to get something nice (at least I think so). The colours straight out from the camera where ok, but I wanted to emphasize the petals.

Hope you like it